Wake & Bake Against Racism I

GOOD MORNING! Listen up! Wake & Bake has teamed up with more than twelve local bakers & Spiderfriends to join fellow amateur & professional bakers across the nation for #BakersAgainstRacism, a virtual bake sale with proceeds going to organizations that support Black lives and combat racism.

Together (but safely social distancing, of course), we will be creating a delicious box of various fresh baked treats, from chocolate chip cookies to lemon bars. The dozen-ish items will be a surprise, but we know they all will have the secret ingredient – rage. That’s right, we are banding together and baking with rage at the injustice forced upon the Black community that permeates every level of our society. For $20 you will get a box of 12+ misc. cookies and treats (available for local pickup on Saturday June 20 at Spiderweb HQ in Denton, TX) and the knowledge that your hard earned dollars will be supporting a good cause. Once your order is complete, we will email you with details on pickup location and time.

EDIT: OUR PRE-ORDERS ARE SOLD OUT! We’ll share to our social pages on Saturday morning if extra boxes / treats are available for pickup.

Spiderweb Salon will donate 100% of the proceeds to The Okra Project, a collective seeking to address the global crisis of violence by providing mental health resources and meals to Black Trans people worldwide. This is a cause we feel strongly about because at Wake & Bake and Spiderweb Salon we know that Black Lives Matter, Trans Lives Matter, and BLACK TRANS LIVES MATTER.

Keep baking, keep fighting.

- Caitlin, Storie, & courtney marie